Wednesday 6 March 2013

Planning locations

The first location we will use in the filming of our music video is our form room at school, it is the Drama Studio so is ideal for filming and will have lots of plain backdrops that wont inter fear with the conventions of the dance genre we are trying to create and help mise en scene as excess objects that are not part of the video wont be in the shots. It will also be easy for us to use the lights that are permanently in place and at our disposal over the course of production.

Another location is a large cabin at the home of one of the members of the group. It has been used by the residents of the house as a party venue previously so it will be no trouble for us to make it into a club for the purpose of our music video.The iconography and decorations we use will help this as well. We agreed on this location as we decided it would be easier and much more cost efficient if we used a building owned  by someone in the group so there wont be a charge for using the space.

Due to the fact we don't have lights to use outside we decided to only film outside when we have to, this will only happen when we are popping champagne and we will improvise with torches and lamps as lighting for the short scenes outside.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of the locations that you wish to include within your music video and this is because you have not considered you storyboards in enough detail.

    Refer back to your plans and then consider the locations that you wish to include.
