Sunday 14 October 2012

Analysis of Music Genres

Artist: Drake
Title: Over
Genre: Rap

Drake's music video entitles 'Over' is set in his bedroom. In the background images of people walking have been projected onto the plain wall. The people in the projection are shown to be walking in a busy city which could suggest people walking in and out of his busy life and his bedroom is like a santuary where he can escape from all of that. This relates to the conventions of rap music vidoes as it shows his real life experiences.

A long shot a Drake sitting down with orange lighting making him glow up which shows his frustration. This happens throughout the video and on one occasion while this is happening he says "its over, its over" this could resemble the end of the road for him or a part of his life. The audience can relate to this because they can empathise with him in his situation.

Fade cuts are used throughout the video when Drake moves to a different location, this shows the audience that the video is moving on and Drake coule be expressing another part of his life or a different problem. This is important for the audience as they can see different parts of his life and understand him more as an artist.

A mirror effect is used as he is explaining a more important part of his life and situation. This is Drake's first music video so it is establishing his star image which helps to build up a relationship with his audience and is the base stepping stone for his career ahead of him.

The rule of thirds appears in the video when Drake is rapping  his lyrics appear simultaneously on the left hand side of him. This helps to show his emotions towards his lyrics and that they are true feelings and that he cares about them, this helps his audience connect with him as they know he is rapping about real life and things which are important to him. This shows the conventions of rap videos again which is something the audience looks for in artists videos.

Artist: Flo Rida
Title: Club Cant Handle Me
Genre: Dance

At the start of the music video there is an establishing shot of two expensive sports cars (Lamborghini's). This shows his luxury and materialistic lifestyle as a celebrity and singer. This is therefore promoting his life as luxury, weathly and a popular artist and becoming a role model for his audience.

The use of iconography is shown to the audience as a birds eye veiw shot, here we see champagne being sprayed into the air over people on the dance floor below, this again highlights his luxury lifestyle and also him enjoying himself at a party with his friends. This helps the audience get to know him better and see what his lifestyle is like.

The use of a split screen is used in the video appears in gthe video with one half of the screen showing Flo Rida in a club partying with his friends and the other half when he is in a luxurious city. This shows the two different sides of his life, they are still both very luxury ways to live your life. This confirms Richard Dyers paradox 1, which is when the artist is being simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary. The audience wil relate to this more as they will start to look up to him in admiration.

The fast paced editing is helped and complemented by the dancing in the video and the flashing lights in time with the music and beat. This shows the enjoyment he has in being in a club and being with his friends and peers and promoting his lifestyle to his target demographic.

During the video when you see Flo Rida in the club, you see him wearing sunglasses and a large gold medallion. The medallion clearly represents luxury and his expensive lifestyle and therefore promoting his star image as being wealthy. The glasses could connote a barrier for his normal persona and then the materialistic glasses could represent his star image. His body language and style in the video shows his confidence and dominance as a person and artist.

Artist: Beyonce
Title: Naughty Girl
Genre: R'n'b

Beyonce's video titled 'Naughty Girl' is set in a club come dance studio. In one of the shots in the video she is surrounded by mirrors as she dances. This shows off the female figure and herself as a young and sexy star who is comfortable with  her body and like to flaunt it to people. This relates to her target demographic as they can relate to her as they are dreaming of being her.

A low angled shot is used to show herself off the audience, she is shown in a large champagne glass filled with champagne whilst dancing provocatively. It also shows her dominance as a strong woman and as wealthy as she has enough money to bath herself in champagne. The audience may therefore envy her and look up to her as a rolemodel and hope to maybe one day become like her.

In amonst the large number of long shots used in the video there is one in particular that is rather eye catching. It is of silhouettes of women dancing provocatively which perhaps promotes the female form as a sex symbol. It also shows them as being free, young, sexy and having fun. This reflects as the artist is free, young, sexy and having fun which the audience like to see from their preferred artists.

In another scene Beyonce is dancing a stage in a revealing silver dress with three spotlights above her in the background drawing the audieces focus onto her, which highlights her as a dominant and strong person. This also shows her being on show and in the lime light which is what it is like for artists when they are out in the real world, the audience can relate to this as it shows what her real life is actually like.

A jump cut is used to skip between Beyonce dancing flirtatiously with Usher to her back in the champagne glass, this makes her seem more prominant as the focus is on her and not Usher. This also promotes her talent as she is the focus and not a very successfull astist like Usher is not the main focus for the audience. This is something that the women in the audience will especially enjoy as they can see a women being stonger and more important than a man.

Throughout the video Beyonce's facial expressions and body language could be seen to be very sexual and confident. She holds this portrayal all the way through the video, this is teasing the men in the audience as they can see her as being sexy and appealing to their more animalistic side and the women in the audience enjoy the fact that she is a strong independant women.

1 comment:

  1. Your post on music genres shows some understanding of how a variety of micro elements are used within your three chosen music genres. The screenshots that you have included help to show your understanding well as you have considered the role of the artist well.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to consider the role of the target audience in more detail and you also need to consider the codes and conventions in more detail too. Finally you need to include the summary points too
