Friday 26 October 2012

Research Into Chosen Music Genre

Research Into Chosen Music Genre

The song we have chosen recreate is from the Dance genre, LMFAO's 'Champagne Showers' follows the conventions of the genre in all their music videos and so we will have to do the same when we recreate it. We have to do this so our audience will acknowledge our music video as being a dance video.

I personally wanted to recreated a song from the dance genre as I am really into the genre and also into the house genre which is very similar to dance but the videos are often a lot better for the dance genre so my group and I decided on that.

My group did some primary research and found the following conventions of the genre:

  • The scenes predominately take place in a club or party setting
  • The female back up dancers wear high heels, short skirts etc.
  • Artificial lighting is used to enhance the artist's attractiveness
  • The pace of the editing is in synch with the track's beat
  • Iconography usually includes lots of alcohol, a pool, UV paint
  • Close up shots are commonly used on the artist for promotional reasons
  • The atmosphere is fun and carefree
  • There is lots of variation in camera shots
  • Credits are used to introduce the song title and artist
  • Participants in the music videos are all usually young adults aged 18-25

Before me and my group started to plan we needed to research into other music videos for ideas and inspiration we will need. One of the videos I watched was Swedish House Mafia's, Don't You Worry Child as it is a very popular dance song and is one of my favorites. The song is based on the bands last ever show in England and you can see the happiness and excitement, naturally created by the audience and band. 

A panning shot of the front row of the audience in slow motion shows the audience singing along to the lyrics. This shows the audience what it was like to be at the concert as you see all the positive body language and everyone waving at the camera. This is a very useful shot as it shows what their real life audience is like rather than the actors that are featured in usual music videos. From this I can see their typical target audience are people aged 16 - 25 who love to party and dedicated to their music. This is a similar audience that me and my group wish to target. The difference between the two films will be that Swedish House Mafia's is a real scene and in mine they will be people acting as part of a party scene. 

This is an extreme long shot used half way through the video, it shows how popular the band is. Richard Dyer's theory applies here as the band seems extraordinary due to the size of its fan base.  The crowd are dancing around with their hands in the air having a good time which is entertaining for the audience. 


  1. This post demonstrates a very basic understanding of your chosen music genre and this is because this post is incomplete.

    You need to fully analyse two music videos from your chosen music genre and focus on the micro elements and conventions, as this form of research will assist you with planning your own music video.

  2. You have made a start in analysing one music video, but you have only focused on the camera shots and more points are needed on the micro elements to show further understanding of the task.
